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Community Acknowledgements

Trees and Mountains

As we reflect on who we are as an organization, we recognize the importance to situate ourselves in relation to the Indigenous stewards of the lands we occupy, as well as those whose displacement to Turtle Island was involuntary.


We acknowledge the lasting effects of colonialism, slavery, and racism, and aim to actively contribute to strengthening community resilience in a way that leads to more equitable outcomes for all.

Land Acknowledgement

We acknowledge our Mother Earth that gives us life, nourishes us and is our greatest partner. We act with reverence, respect, and reciprocity in all that we do. We acknowledge the First Peoples who have lived and thrived on these lands for thousands of years and who have kept this sacred relationship alive for all of humanity.


Here in Ontario, we acknowledge the Anishinaabe, the Wendat and the Haudenosaunee, Métis and Inuit people who have been living on these lands since time immemorial. Own My Canvas Psychotherapy and Wellness Inc. acknowledges that the land on which we live and work today, is of the Haldimand Tract within the territory of the Neutral, Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee people.


In this territory, Indigenous peoples continue to endure inequality, violence, and oppression due to colonialism. This is magnified by the historical and ongoing widespread failure by settlers and institutions to uphold their responsibilities within the Dish With One Spoon Covenant.


We acknowledge all our ancestors that have walked and stewarded these lands before us and those that continue to walk with us on this journey to a more harmonious world. We acknowledge our responsibility to think of those yet to come and to leave them a world that is capable of providing an abundant life.

African Ancestral Acknowledgement

We acknowledge all Treaty peoples – including those who came here as settlers – as migrants either in this generation or in generations past - and those of us who came here involuntarily, particularly those brought to these lands as a result of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and Slavery. We pay tribute to those ancestors of African origin and descent. 

Reconciliation Commitment

What we now refer to as Canada was also built on the labour of many immigrant and migrant communities. From the transcontinental railroad to farming and food production, the country heavily relied (and continues to) on the talent, skill, and hard work of racialized people. In exchange, many of them are denied residence, and they continue to go through punishing immigration experiences and perpetuating racial disparities.


To advance our vision, we work in solidarity across the communities. We understand that this is a continual process which requires intentional action to ensure we are challenging systems and structures that perpetuate the harms of colonization. By being on this land, we are all responsible for upholding its treaties as long as “the sun shines, the grass grows, and rivers flow.”

read our story

From personal affirmation to a call to action - creating space for Black women and women of colour to heal and manage life's event.

 2023 By Own My Canvas Psychotherapy and Wellness Inc. All Rights Reserved.

services designed for us

Online and in-person counselling, psychotherapy, and coaching for individuals and groups. Wellness Advisory for organizations.

community building

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