Affirming mental health care specifically tailoredfor identifying Black women and women of colour

Individual Therapy
We offer 50 and 75 minutes individual therapy session appointments. These appointments may be booked virtually or in-person.
Your journey to healing begins with the right connection
15 min
FreeTailored therapy to support your mental health journey, with flexible session options
50 min
$150-$190Personalized Empowerment for Meaningful Change
50 min
150 Canadian dollarsPart-time | Virtual/In-Person | Ontario-based | Independent Contractor | Individual Therapy
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Group Therapy
A trauma-focused therapy service for identifying Black women and women of colour who have experienced and/or witnessed traumatic events that occurred during childhood (0-18 years old).

What Do You Get?
The *Total Embodied Therapy program is:
8-weeks, 1 session per week (Total of 8 sessions)
Each session is 90 minutes
Maximum of 8 participants per group
Delivered in-person (Kitchener, Ontario)
Program cost $80 per session. Total $640. Billed in 2 payments.
This is a regulated psychotherapy service delivered by a Registered Psychotherapist with the College of Registered Psychotherapist of Ontario.
*A minimum of 3 individuals required for the program to be delivered.
No Referral Needed
The TET program works in community. We are rooted in Black feminist theory and anti-oppressive frameworks. We follow a three-phased approach to healing from trauma as outlined by Judith Herman in her book Trauma and Recovery and we use a body-integrated approach informed by Dr. Peter Levine and Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk.
You will:
Learn about the impact and symptoms of trauma.
Explore new coping strategies to manage overwhelming emotions, anxiety, numbing, dissociation, flashbacks, and other trauma symptoms.
Work toward understanding and identifying difficult patterns in relationships.
Learn how to improve your self-care and self-soothing abilities.

Things You Need to Know
As such, we are not able to provide 1-on-1 stabilization of mental health symptoms during group sessions. Individuals are required to have adequate affect regulation skills so as to be able to form and maintain a therapeutic relationship with the therapist and other participants.
The Total Embodied Therapy program is not a domestic abuse or sexual assault treatment program. The focus of the Program is directly related to managing the impact of symptoms related to childhood trauma.
Physical and emotional safety is paramount to therapy and maximizing the benefits of the therapy and mitigating any risks of harm. We do not provide crisis services.